No distance too great…

With Ian joining in on the morning swims and trying to avoid the crowds (thanks COVID!), the swim distances seem to be getting longer and longer. Today, for example, we (Bevan, Stephen, Ian, Dave U., Chris, Dave S.) headed to the end of the island, observed a crowd by the post so headed to the shark post. From there, it was back to the SI post for a breather. Next target was to swim through a cat. After accomplishing that feat, I decided (after freezing to death yesterday) to head straight for the dirty cone.Not sure where the others went.

The distance for this jaunt (thanks Google Maps) was 1.31kms. Mind you those were straight lines I was drawing and anyone who has had the pleasure of swimming with me knows that I seldom swim in a straight line 🙂

I did, however, almost swim straight into the dirty pin…

The water  has almost cleared up again, just in time for the showers expected for Friday.

15.3C in the water today although the temperature ranged between 15.7 to 15.3 whilst I was measuring it.

Seasoned idiots at the beach today included Di – welcome back Di!, Linda – welcome back Linda!, Ruth, David, Andrew, Chris, Deb, Janice, Meg, Rod, Bob, Bunny, Tony…. hmmm… clutching at straws now to remember who else I spoke to…

The bacon and egg roll and coffee today at Pasture was pretty delicious as everyone present (Bob, Chris, Bevan, Stephen, and Linda) will attest 🙂


About Dave

Dave has been an idiot for longer than he can remember. However, his Real Idiot status was confirmed about 20 years ago when Linda and Bevan coaxed him out to the post. Developer and administrator of this website as well as reporter, photographer, and chief spell-checker. Thankfully, other idiots contribute to the site to keep it interesting...