BMW Tour – The Gulf! Wk2 29/8 – 4/9

Here is Week 2 of Bevan’s adventures in the gulf. Hopefully I will have Week 3 up before Xmas… but there are no guarantees 😉

Tue 29/8 Day 8

Gregory Downs to Adels Grove. Then off to Doomadgee and onto Hells Gate Roadhouse. What a great spot, a roadhouse and a domestic/international airport. See photos of the runway.

Today we picked our way through sand traps/ deep corrugations / crossed several rivers / passed some back-burning (or small bush-fires??) and tons of nomads…
Now in Borroloola NT.

Tomorrow was a rest day but we have worn out our rear tyres so off to Ngukurr tomorrow’s camping in the national park then Katherine to a bike shop…

Thu 31/8 Day 10

Two days to get through the Limmen National Park up to Roper Bar and finally a mad rush to Katherine for new rear tyres…
The many miles through Limmen National Park is just one endless dusty road with exceptionally welcoming corrugations, sand traps and intimately embracing bulldust sections. I have sampled them all.

The Rangers Station at the park was in keeping with the ease of arrival. The fuel dispenser was just brilliant. Showers were also fit for purpose.

Glad to be in Katherine….


Fri 1/9 Day 11

Rest day in Katherine.
Photos of the Katherine River next to our camping area.
Back on the bike tomorrow..


Sat 2/9 Day 12

Katherine to Mataranka and onto the Daly Waters Pub/caravan park. Not sure what happens in this pub but lots of people leave all sorts stuff nailed to the walls, posts and the ceilings. This is grey nomad heaven – more vans than you can poke a stick at. I’m just hoping they can all keep their gear on and if they want to take it all off…. NOT nail it anywhere near my bike or tent.


Sun 3/9 Day 13

Three Gorges at Katherine.

Some way south, photos of my sister, Adrienne’s former house. Tennant Creek…. a town with colourbond fences..

Mon 4/9 Day 14

On the way to Alice. View South, North, West and you guessed it East…. All flat…

About Dave

Dave has been an idiot for longer than he can remember. However, his Real Idiot status was confirmed about 20 years ago when Linda and Bevan coaxed him out to the post. Developer and administrator of this website as well as reporter, photographer, and chief spell-checker. Thankfully, other idiots contribute to the site to keep it interesting...